Stormwater Management Fee & Credit Program

In an urban environment such as the City of Lancaster, all developed property generates stormwater runoff and therefore, uses or is in some way connected with, serviced by, or benefit fromthe City’s stormwater sewerage system. Federal and state regulations require the City of Lancaster to implement a program of stormwater controls. The Stormwater Management Fee assessed by the City of Lancaster helps pay costs associated with the operating the City’s Stormwater Management Program.


Examples of costs include:


– Program administration

– Regular maintenance, repair and replacement of stormwater infrastructure, including growing and protecting the urban tree canopy

– Design and Installation (or construction) of stormwater green infrastructure

– Street Cleaning




Stormwater management fees are typically included in water/sewer billings. The City utilizes a tiered approach that is based on the amount of Impervious Area (IA)* on a given property to determine the rate to be billed.


This method groups properties within a range of IA, which are then assessed based on the average. For larger parcels over 3,000 square feet, an actual calculation is made of IA and applicable fee applied. For more detailed information on the City of Lancaster’s stormwater management fees see SWMF Policies and Procedures, linked below under Documents & Resources.


*IA is any surface that prevents or limits the infiltration of water into the ground. Any structure, building, parking area, driveway, road, street, sidewalk, patio, deck, and any area of concrete, asphalt, pavement, compacted gravel, packed stone, stone, brick, tile, swimming pool, or artificial turf, and highly compacted soil shall be considered “impervious surface” if they prevent or limit infiltration. Impervious surface also includes any area used by or for motor vehicles or heavy commercial equipment, regardless of surface type or material, including any road, road shoulder, driveway, or parking area.




If a property owner believes that their property has been improperly tiered or that the assessed SWM fee has been calculated incorrectly, they may file a petition for review and/or adjustment of the SWMF. Additional details regarding the appeals/adjustments can be found in SWMF Policies and Procedures, linked below under Documents & Resources.




An annual reduction in the stormwater management fee (SWMF) credit may be available to property owners to reduce their annual SWMF and to offset the additional cost of maintaining any stormwater facilities (or green infrastructure), thus providing an incentive for further implementing stormwater management practices. The credit amount that a property can receive varies based on the specific qualifying conditions that significantly mitigate the effects of increased stormwater runoff and pollution from a property. The criteria for determining the credit level is based on the type of facility and percent of IA treated. If it is determined that a SWMF credit is to be granted, the adjustments will be made in the form of a credit against future stormwater management fees.


SWMF Education Credits are available to all public and private schools or school systems (K-12). In order for a school or school system to receive a SWMF education credit, the school must implement an educational program that educates and informs the students on the importance of preserving and restoring the source and integrity of water resources (stormwater, ground water and/or surface waters). The educational program may include educational posters, take-home materials, classroom lessons, field trips, etc.


Karl Graybill
Environmental Planner



(717) 291-1111



Documents & Resources