Regulatory Compliance
The City of Lancaster’s stormwater management program is designed to meet the requirements of federal and state laws and regulations while also protecting the health and safety of Lancastrians.
It has several key components, including:
– Education and Outreach
– Public Participation
– Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
– Regulation of construction site runoff
– Regulation of stormwater after construction
– Pollution Prevention / Good Housekeeping of City facilities and operations
The City of Lancaster relies on a formal partnership (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Lancaster County Conservation District to comply with these regulatory obligations.
Associated Regulatory Obligations
The City of Lancaster is updating its Long-Term Control Plan, in order to to attain compliance with the NPDES Permit associated with its Advanced Waste Water Treatment Plant and associated collection system (NPDES Permit No. PA0026743). The updated Long-Term Control Plan will outline the actions necessary to reduce the frequency and volume of Combined Sewer Overflows. For additional information visit Engage Lancaster.